Thursday, November 16, 2006

what's wrong with me?

ok, so even this online friend I had recently gotten together with has stopped communicating with me. My e-mails were so fun and sensitive. I have her cell phone number, I could call her, but she's the sensitive, has-to-feel-comfortable-with-everything one. I give people as much space as they want. I just want to know this: do I scare or turn people off because I come off as too weird and dangerous and unstable, or because I seem too pure and honest and smart? Do I look too weird? Is it an aura thing? What's the deal?

Man, it's still fucking 3rd grade and I'm wondering why nobody wants to be my friend. I don't want to assault, belittle, or have sex with them. I just want to hang out and connect in a real way like humans are supposed to do. I'M SORRY WORLD THAT I'M SUCH A FUCKING MUTANT!

There! That felt better! Now I can go back to being the rock-solid person I normally am! (sarcasm alert)

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