Friday, November 10, 2006

we saw some moronic play at the rhino then

afterward we cruised lower and upper haight for a place to eat. problem was we weren't sure what we were hankerin' for, and most of the alterna-dives were closed. at some point it dawned on me that haight street was like one long counterculture strip mall. finally we settled on a place called "all you knead" (yes, the names of all the restaurants are either arcane or plays on words), which one travel guide described as "the most authentically hippie of the eateries in haight-ashbury." I had veggie quesadilla and Win had a slice of pecan pie. he spent much of the meal elaborating on how the sconces in the restaurant resembled the ones in his mom's house.

That was part of a larger story that I was going to relate until I realized it was pointless.

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