Monday, November 20, 2006

please just

'splain me this: my smoke detector started making that intermittent chirp that is supposed to let you know that your battery needs to be changed. So I get up on a chair and take it off it's mount (no, it's not one of those kind that are wired into the house circuit). I look into the little compartment where you hook in the 9-volt battery (is there anything other than smoke detectors these days that uses 9-volt batteries?) and I see that there is no battery! I mean, the black padded connector with the silver caps that snap on to the two poles of the battery is just dangling there. I mean, I don't care if it's illegal. There are smoke detectors in the building hallways that are wired in to the building power that are plenty loud (trust me, I set one off). To me, smoke detectors are like the body politic mandating that you keep radioisotopes in your home against your will. They are basically one more instance of society coddling smokers, because, let's face it, irresponsible smoking causes more fires than anything else (and those incompetent electricians that are responsible for the faulty wiring that sets off some building fires? Most of 'em are smokers, too, I'd wager). So fuck, I'll just put the damn thing in a drawer until I move. But just tell me where it's getting the power to make these noises? Does it mean radioactive dust is escaping into my home? Just curious.

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