Saturday, May 20, 2006


Some of my favorite words are ones that only have meaning to me. Little glossaries from the secret language Caroline and I always meant to invent:

"zotted (adj.):" you're so tired you only have energy left to whine.

"sponselled (adj.):" tripped up by something, as when something dissappointingly unexpected happens, especially when your own inadequacies are the cause.

Life is a picnic with lots of ants that want to eat you alive.

My favorite English word is "barbarian," because the greek root is the word "barbar," which is the sound, much in the vein of our "blah blah" that the haughty greeks heard when non-greek speaking foriegners spoke. Of course, all civilized folk spoke Greek! Hence the connotation of being uncivilized. Human nature never changes.

Some of the sidewalk stencils in my neighborhood:

"who is extreme elvis?"

"monkey knife fight"

"dyke march 2001
sat june 15
2 - 4 pm
dolores park"

"input is not detected"

"protege la bodega
no tiles basura"

"excuse me, a doormat's good honest work. Only the bored and the wicked rich don't know that..." --Kristen Hersh

Last night my boyfriend came over to break up for me for the nth time. Same old: I'm living for the day, he wants something I can't give him: a family, someone he can proudly take home to meet mom, all of my time. I started crying and we ended up making love. Afterwards he ran down to the cornerstore and got us some Hawaiian Punch, P&G's contribution to my dental caries. He didn't leave until midnight, and I have to go in at 7 to work a double shift. God, I'm going to be so zotted.

The Nurse Wears Harley-Davidson Scrubs

Eating my dinner out of an emesis basin:
Oh happy world of work!
The touch of the skin of others
Oh so many others
My skin never crawls.

Eating my dinner out of a vending machine:
Oh blessed shift worker!
That nurse wears Harley-Davidson scrubs,
This one favors dinosaurs.
I wear scrubs that smell like pajamas
And ride my hips like a sensei's cord of wisdom.

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