Monday, March 06, 2006

Perhaps Pearl Jam's most puzzling lyric

"everything has chains, absolutely nothing's changed
take my hand, not my picture, spilled my teacher, spilled my tincture..."

From the really good song "Corduroy," with perhaps the most distinctive intro of any song from the 90's. And the only song I can think of that includes the word "tincture."

I'm guessing iodine.

I've always appreciated that the label of the Morton's salt (or any other brand) states that it contains
iodide, not iodine, which is chemically accurate, as iodine in its elemental state exists nowhere in nature. In the US, iodide must be added to salt by law, but not so in Canada. Cannucks like goiters or what?

In some Native American/First Nations tribes, goiters were considered attractive.

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