Friday, January 26, 2007


I don't get the whole scented thing. I've bought perfume twice in my life; once, because the Rite Aid across from gay safeway was going out of business, and they were practically giving it away, and I felt in a girly mood and it seemed like a girly thing to have. The other time it was for someone who collected perfumes. But when you put it on, it just evaporates and dissipates after a few hours, and honestly, I just prefer people to have no scent al all. If given the choice, I buy the unscented version of everything. We had a few scent-challenged patients back in T or C, and more than once I had to drop what I was doing and go draw them because our phlebotomist was too scented. They generally are fussy people in general, the perfume-sensitive folk. What I don't understand is how we allowed smokers to get away with fouling public air for so long. If my mom had just been more considerate about her smoking when I was growing up, I wouldn't have been so cloistered and socially stunted. Those were my constant battles with her-- the length of my hair and her smoking around me. It just amazes me out here that I can come home after going to a club and not have my clothes reek of cigarette smoke.


Anonymous said...

Help! Help! Scott's evil blogg will not let me post. Like for several months. God, why Have you forsaken me!!!

Plus I have questions about bicycles. If you I don't hear from you, I am likely to make a foolish purchase. Diane

Dana said...

email me at Diane. Yeah, new blogger has created problems with the blog.