Monday, May 19, 2008

more nonsense

"timesuck (n.):" something that irresistably takes up more of one's time than one can spare.

"rosyjackterrier (adj.):" combination of "rosey jack world" (a peppy Blake Babies album) and "jack russell terrier" (a frisky dog breed); in a condition of being overly excited about nothing: "don't get all roseyjackterrier on me..."

"please tell mom this is not her fault." -- Blink 182

The Gerund Song

There were some good lines from my trip to your house
I sold my soul to you like some discount outlet Faust
I showed you the burst capillaries in my sclera and said i took the red eye
I had some dreams about you I'll never tell and I wanted to feel my cheek on your thigh
If the sky were any bluer I'd have to live a million years
If I could disappear into it I'd gladly give you all my years
But I'll be annoying people for another fifty years with luck
Here's hoping my last dying phrase contains the word "fuck."


more neologisms

"frotty (adj.):" from the phrase "fraught with danger...;" said of a venture that's unlikely to succeed; iffy.

"to zoom (v.):" to scam or deceive; typical phrase: "who's zoomin' who here?"

"to lurk (v.):" to stealthily attend a social gathering one is not necessarily invited to in order boost one's ego by getting members of the opposite sex all excited then disappearing without a trace.

I'm pretty sure the picnic books are so named because one of the early one's cover was decorated by red gingham print contact paper (like a picnic blanket).

"blow some life into me jesus." -- Robert Pollard

Who needs intimate anymore? I'm comfortable with exhibitionism. Squeeze the rotted pulp outta my catharsis-loving soul. I don't care anymore.