Sunday, March 10, 2013

Seagulls on Copp's Hill

A harbor wind,
warm summer's breath.
White wings askew blue sky.

Your blown brown hair, white dress
against granite.
Grey gravestones surround us in lines.

There's a hole in the fence where we sneaked in here.
Love loves death and an edge on the air.

Endless Sea

Her waters wash the dregs of centuries
upon the dogged shore
-- she comes in swiftly
-- she goes out slowly
And she will forever more
Yes she will forever more.

My father was a man of the ocean
his ocean flows in me
-- she makes me restless
-- she makes me pine
To find his endless sea
To find his endless sea.

Her boundless stretch
I see on high
her sparkling azure waves;
The dauntless heroes
of ages past 
lie deep in watery graves.

To me she is
a barrier
dividing separate shores;
To my life's quest
to find the lands
of which I've heard in lore.

Sail on!
Sail on!
The wonders you will see
when you set sail for the end
of the endless sea.

A land of mighty sailors
with silver sailing ships;
In iron plated clippers
their heroes went on trips.

Challenging the very sky
the bonds of earth were freed;
my father saw their blazing boats
traverse the endless sea.

But that was very long ago
and now they quest no more;
now I am but a dreaming waif
upon an endless shore.

Oh god there's go to be some thing
over the horizon
I want to know what mysteries lie
across the endless sea;
it beckons me
to wonder at the things I cannot see.

I want to go
oh I want to go
Lord I want to go
I want to sail--
what can there be
beyond the mighty endless sea?

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

November (from Glen)

Putty up the windows
then clean and light the furnace.
the yard is now a brown carpet
and dark comes quickly.

How many hours left until the solstice?
Enough to stop the world, keep it stilled
and gently lift it up in two hands filled
with fall's final flowers.

Time winds down, blown by wind.
To die and not to rise is not a sin,
but part of a plan. Earth turns as it always has
and does not bow to man.